The easiest way for business leaders to take charge & create innovative, sustainable change.

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What if you could...

…build a culturally competent brand to lead your industry…

…where diverse clientele want to work with you & choose to stay long term?

know your cultural values & how that’s impacting what you clients you attract and deter

Know how to leverage cultural competency for enhanced creativity & problem solving across cultures

Have cultural confidence — no more doubting whether your offers truly serve people of different backgrounds

Know exactly what cultural strategies you need to diversify your clientele

Tell me if this sounds like you:

You’re good at the technical skills in your job, but you are exhausted by disrespectful team members, a disorganized system of communication & procedures, and a lack of confidence to turn the chaos into calm.

You want to get your team unified, civil, and productive, so that meetings can be used for sparking new, innovative ideas (instead of constantly having to waste precious time putting out relational fires).

You want to connect on a deeper level with your colleagues of different backgrounds and truly understand their perspectives, so that workplace collaboration is actually productive and you can hit deadlines quicker.

You want to do better at problem solving and approach issues in your business with creativity, instead of getting stuck by indecision and insurmountable differing opinions.

AND you want to better serve and expand a diverse client base with culturally-informed support systems.

Good News!

I help leaders with these same problems ever week.

There are simple, easy solutions to getting on track and finally becoming that business that is unified, happy, innovative, and outshining the competition.

Imagine finally being able to double your business’ efficiency and output, and the once seemingly impossible things (like motivating & unifying your staff, having streamlined communication, and happy diverse clientele) are now coming to pass.

Cultural competency is the secret sauce that separates an average business with a decent size from being THAT business that everyone knows of, refers to, and wants to be part of.

Because when your cultural strategies are legit, people respect what you do and want to go deeper into your universe.

All this is possible with a clear + powerful BUSINESS ADVANTAGE ASSESSMENT

What's included in the Business Advantage Assessment?


Fill out an onboarding application for Dr. Michelle Reyes to understand your current goals, needs, and struggles.

The Business Advantage Assessment 

Take the assessment electronically (sent via email by Dr. Michelle Reyes). This will take you about 15 minutes to complete.

Business Development Plan

Fill out a custom worksheet that synthesizes your assessment scores with your business needs. Then submit it to Dr. Michelle Reyes.

Business Advantage Debrief

Zoom call with Dr. Michelle Reyes to implement 3 strategies to help you create your dream business that is both healthy & innovative. The zoom recording and comprehensive notes will be included.

Next Steps

If you choose to continue 1:1 coaching with Dr. Michelle Reyes, your assessment purchase will contribute to any packages you opt into.

Meet Deeya, director of a medical facility

When Deeya first came to me, she was just 2 weeks into her new job and already feeling overwhelmed.

Here’s why:

— She had inherited a mountain of paperwork

— Her staff were unmotivated and disunified (some of her staff actually flat out say “no” to her when she makes requests…which are in fact part of their contracted jobs!)

— Her team clinically gets things done, but operationally there is so much confusion on the system they’re using for documentation and communication procedures

— She had no idea how or where to begin creating organizational change

She booked her first coaching session with me, took a business advantage assessment, and in our first 55 minutes together, we outlined the two main problem areas in her business and which area to focus on first.

Through working together, she got crystal clear on how to leverage her own cultural knowledge & skills for her business’ success and which areas of her leadership she needed to strengthen to keep everyone on track.

That’s what is possible when you take an assessment with me…for only $108!

Because of the business assessment + strategies that I offer, Deeya is now closer to her business goals than ever before.

Take an assessment today for just